Zhao Yang


Zhongguancun East Road No.55, Haidian, Beijing China



  1. Z. Yang and K. Zumbrun, Orbital stability of undercompressive viscous shock waves under L1∩ Hs4 perturbation, preprint, arXiv.
  2. Z. Jiao, L. M. Rodrigues, C. Sun, and Z. Yang, Small-amplitude finite-depth Stokes waves are transversally unstable, preprint, arXiv.
  3. V. Hur and Z. Yang, Unstable capillary-gravity waves, preprint, arXiv.
  4. B. Braker, J. Bronski, V. Hur, and Z. Yang, Asymptotic stability of sharp fronts: Analysis and rigorous computation, preprint, arXiv.
  5. Z. Yang, An alternative proof of modulation instability of Stokes waves in deep water, preprint, arXiv.


  1. Z. Yang, and K. Zumbrun, Multidimensional stability and transverse bifurcation of hydraulic shocks and roll waves in open channel flow, to appear in J. Math. Fluid Mech., arXiv.
  2. G. Faye, L. M. Rodrigues, Z. Yang, and K. Zumbrun, Existence and stability of nonmonotone hydraulic shocks for the Saint Venant equations of inclined thin-film flow, Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal., link.
  3. V. Hur and Z. Yang, Unstable Stokes waves, Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal., link.
  4. L. M. Rodrigues, Z. Yang, and K. Zumbrun, Convective-Wave Solutions of the Richard–Gavrilyuk Model for Inclined Shallow-Water Flow,Water Waves, link.
  5. S. Jung, Z. Yang, and K. Zumbrun, Stability of strong detonation waves for Majda's model with general ignition functions, Quart. Appl. Math., link.
  6. A. Sukhtayev, Z. Yang, and K. Zumbrun, Spectral stabilty of hydraulic shock profiles, Phys. D, link.
  7. Z. Yang and K. Zumbrun, Stability of hydraulic shock profiles, Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal., link.
  8. Z. Yang and K. Zumbrun, Convergence as period goes to infinity of spectra of periodic traveling waves toward essential spectra of a homoclinic limit, J. Math. Pures Appl., link.
  9. M. Johnson, P. Noble, L. M. Rodrigues, Z. Yang, and K. Zumbrun, Spectral stability of inviscid roll-waves, Comm. Math. Phys., link.
